Sunday, November 3, 2019

2018 Recap of Melissa's GP Fight

2018 Recap of Melissa's GP Fight
Continuing from 2017 I feel I have a good daily living strategy. I do not like the word 'diet'. 
Since it gives the impression, after a period of time, one will go back to their normal eating 
habits. With gastroparesis there is no getting back to the excessive consumption of food 
nor my steak-eating indulgences, I once enjoyed.
My lifestyle change has slowly evolved over the last 6-years. There have been LOTS of trial 
and error situations. Despite all of it, I now know my triggers foods, allergies, etc. This 
information has allowed me to reduce my GP symptoms of nausea, pain, fatigue and less 
dizzy spells. Of course, what I deem as my 'safe foods' may turn on me from time to time,
 giving me a dose of GP reality. Yet, that does not stop me from trying new foods and 
pushing my limits in other areas.

What Would Happen In 2018

2018 would be among the most challenging years for my Gastroparesis management. 
Why? Because we decided to overhaul our jobs, where we live and how we live. And as 
you may know, stress is a trigger for GP and can prompt other health issues. So this new
change was not only financially scary, but I was walking into an unfamiliar situation, not 
know how my body would react. Of course, all these changes would happen in a very 
short amount of time.

Exploring The Outdoors To De-Stress

In 2016 I started going on ‘Nature Walks’ in Glacier National Park with my husband. It was
so very peaceful, and endless beauty all around. We took it slow and I had to do several 
mini-breaks, as my body adjusted to what I wanted to put it through. My patient husband 
was with me the entire time. 
Slowly, I began feeling better. Not just my stomach, but my mental health as well. So over 
the years, we have continued to take walks when and where we can. This was something 
both of us never wanted to stop doing. Just the opposite, we wanted to go to new places
all the time and explore. Our love for the outdoors would be a key factor in our next move.

New Health Issue Has Us Reflecting

By now you know that I have struggled with gastroparesis, even before my diagnosis in 
2012. But, what I have never shared with anyone is that stress was having an effect on
my husband's health. His stressful store management career, as well as other factors,
was silently taking hold of him. After a gain of close to 60lbs and border line in taking
pills for high blood pressure (HBP), reality hit. Read his story "Three Events in Five years..." 
to learn a little more about Don.
With his health now in question, we asked ourselves: What are we doing? After some 
thought, we quickly came to realize his salary was enabling us with a means to spend  
excess money. We are renting an exceptionally large home we only use a couple of 
rooms in, are paying for extra cars we seldom drive, and impulse buys that clutter the 
house, which often go used. 
We reflected on the fact that we seldom are able to go on vacations and our nature walks
 have taken a back-burner. Don’s workload and our health issues made us question the 
retirement years. Especially knowing that his mom passed away before her retirement from 
Pancreatic Cancer. We really wanted to be able to see as many National Parks in our later 
years while traveling the US. Retirement is over 30-years away for us, so would we be 
capable when the time came? That was the major question driving us forward to change.

2018 Changed Our Lives Forever

As you may have read in Don's story, we knew we needed him to step away from his career
to focus on his health. So we needed to come up with a solution for income.
In the Fall of 2017 we were inspired by so many people taking the minimalist approach in life.
They were cutting out the clutter, downsizing to live smaller and reducing their footprint by 
working at home. By doing so, they reduced their need for large amounts of income.
So we sat down together and wrote out what we wanted for our future. From there we 
thought about what steps we needed to take to get there. That leads us to real research 
on how to make our dreams reality.
Lots of ideas were scribbled on paper from buying a small piece of property to build a tiny 
home, then onto making that small home mobile. We eventually settled on the idea of living
in an RVfull-time and working out of it. The main thought was to travel and either work 
on-line or in the town we visited. But how to accomplish such a dream was what we needed
to figure out.

Our New Lifestyle

During the Winter of 2017, we found a 5th wheel that felt like home as soon as we stepped
inside. It appeared to have been used a few times in 3-years, so it was in good condition.
The price point was decent, too. The RV eventually became our home.
"Finding Our New Home" covers the adventure in more detail if you are interested.
With our new home signed for, but not in our possession, we went ahead with putting in 
our notice at work. We gave ourselves an extra week after the last working day, to begin 
selling off the majority of our belongings. Everything that would not go into the 5th wheel 
had to go, so we were essentially Downsizing Everything
As you can imagine the stress was endless, from our RV not being ready for us to pick up  
on the date we needed, to the worry of where our future income would come from. My 
gastroparesis was going wild and even with stepping down to mostly liquids, it was hard
to manage. I was eager to get the 5th wheel and head off to see family.

Traveling To See Family

Our first stop after picking up the 5th wheel was taking it to a family member's house. This
 is where we were able to slowly load it up with all of the belongings we decided to keep. 
We took the time to visit with them and friends throughout the Summer. We also helped my 
parents around their house and yard. Don, found a job in shipping to bring in some income. 
I found a small start-up company that allowed me to work from home. 
All too quickly Fall came and it was getting cold. We had to decide if we were going to go
 South for the Winter, as so many in RVs do. If we did, I was able to do my work on the 
road, but Don would need to find something else. Since we did not have much time to do 
everything we needed to properly get on the road, we decided to hunker down and attempt
  "...To Stay Warm" if that is possible in negative degree weather.

Gastroparesis Awareness

Sadly with everything that was happening, I had to close down my GP Fight Store and I also
parted ways with Jamberry. I could only juggle so much at a time. And as it was I was still
trying to get my health back in order from the six months of stress. 
I also closed down my GPfight website, but have intentions of getting it back up and going.
I do not want my prior years of advocacy to collect dust. My GP family means the world to 
me, you have all given me hope and inspiration -- in return, I hope I have done the same.

Thank You

If you want to learn a little more: "Why We Went FT - RV Lifestyle" is a great read and I 
also wrote, "Why Melissa choose to RV full-time" . Here is Don's why on his reason to 
RV full-time.
Thank you for your time and support!

Of course, we are all different, how we acquired GP differs so what may work for me 
may not work for you.  I'm just here to tell my GP Fight story and in the process maybe 
you will walk away with an idea or just simply some inspiration that you are not alone.